
URL Path
Data Coverage
US, Canada
Update Interval
Near real-time
Time Range

The fires data set contains data for currently active wildfires across the U.S. and Canada, including the type of fire, area, cause, and percent contained.


Every request to the endpoint must include one of the supported actions in the url.{action}?client_id={client_id}&client_secret={client_secret}&{params}

Supported Actions

The following actions are supported with the /fires endpoint:

:idType: stringTypically used for passing a geographical location name or identifier such as city name, lat/long, or even US and Canadian postal codes. Learn more.
closestType: stringBased on a location search, the results will be returned in order from closest to farthest. Learn more.
withinType: stringUses a circle or polygon, define an area to search for results. Learn more.
searchType: stringA generalized action that is determined with the endpoints query parameters. Learn more.


The following is an example of what each object in the response will consist of. Depending on your requested action, the response may contain multiple instances of this object within an array.


id (string)

The unique identifier of the fire.

dataSource (string)

The source of the data.

loc (object)

The location of the record.

loc.long (number)

The place or nearest place to the record. (number)

The latitude coordinate of the record.

report (object)

Object containing information about the fire. (string)

The unique identifier of the fire.

report.type (string)

(Deprecated) The type of fire observation:
- L = Confirmed Large fire

report.timestamp (number)

UNIX timestamp of the fire observation.

report.dateTimeISO (string)

The date and time of the fire observation in ISO-8601 format. (string)

For critical/large fires a name may be given. NULL if no name.

report.location (string)

Description of location of the fire. NULL if no location.

report.startTimestamp (number)

The timestamp of the fire start in UNIX format. NULL if no start time.

report.startDateISO (string)

The date and time of the fire start in ISO-8601 format. NULL if no start time.

report.conf (number)

The confidence level of the fire observation. 0-100. NULL if no confidence level.

report.areaKM (number)

The area of the fire in square kilometers. NULL if unknown.

report.areaMI (number)

The area of the fire in square miles. NULL if unknown.

report.areaAC (number)

The area of the fire in acres. NULL if unknown.

report.perContained (number)

The percent contained of the fire. 0-100. NULL if unknown.

report.sat (Object)

(Deprecated) Will be NULL

report.expContainedTimestamp (number)

UNIX timestamp of the expected date of containment. NULL if unknown.

report.expContainedISO (string)

The expected date of containment in ISO-8601 format. NULL if unknown.

report.cause (string)

The cause of the fire. NULL if unknown.

report.imtType (string)

(Deprecated) Will normally be NULL

report.fuels (string)

Fuels for the fire. NULL if unknown.

report.terrain (string)

Fuels for the fire. NULL if unknown.

place (object)

Object containing information about the place or nearest place to the record. (string)

The place or nearest place to the record.

place.state (string)

The state abbreviation in which the response is located. This may be null or an empty string depending on the country. (string)

The 2 letter ISO-3166 country abbreviation in which the response is located.

profile (object)

Object containing information about the location or event. (string)

Timezone name of the location, such as America/New_York.

perimeter (object)

Fire perimeter information. Currently available for larger US fires. NULL if not available.

perimeter.startTimestamp (number)

The UNIX timestamp of the start of the fire perimeter. Often matches to the fire report.startTimestamp, though some fires may represent the data the perimeter was created.

perimeter.startDateISO (string)

The ISO 8601 timestamp of the start of the fire perimeter. Often matches to the fire report.startDateISO, though some fires may represent the data the perimeter was created.

perimeter.modifiedTimestamp (number)

The UNIX timestamp of the date and time the fire perimeter information was last updated.

perimeter.modifiedDateISO (string)

The ISO 8601 timestamp of the date and time the fire perimeter information was last updated.

perimeter.areaKM (number)

The area of the fire perimeter in square kilometers.

perimeter.areaMI (number)

The area of the fire perimeter in square miles.

perimeter.areaAC (number)

The area of the fire perimeter in acres.

perimeter.polygon (object)

The perimeter polygon as a GeoJSON object. Null if filter=geo is not provided.

perimeter.polygon.type (string)

The type of GeoJSON object. Will always be Polygon or MultiPolygon.

perimeter.polygon.coordinates (array)

The coordinates of the polygon.

    "id": "2023-MSMNF-000657",
    "dataSource": "NIFC",
    "loc": {
      "long": -89.102682394315,
      "lat": 30.997562672705
    "report": {
      "id": "2023-MSMNF-000657",
      "type": "L",
      "timestamp": 1702484733,
      "dateTimeISO": "2023-12-13T10:25:33-06:00",
      "name": "Strong",
      "location": "Strong",
      "startTimestamp": 1698767144,
      "startDateISO": "2023-10-31T10:45:44-05:00",
      "conf": 100,
      "areaKM": 0.2,
      "areaMI": 0.1,
      "areaAC": 53,
      "perContained": null,
      "sat": null,
      "expContainedTimestamp": null,
      "expContainedISO": null,
      "cause": "Human",
      "imtType": null,
      "fuels": null,
      "terrain": null
    "place": {
      "name": "wiggins",
      "state": "ms",
      "country": "us"
    "profile": {
      "tz": "America/Chicago"
    "perimeter": {
      "startTimestamp": 1698771003,
      "startDateISO": "2023-10-31T11:50:03-05:00",
      "modifiedTimestamp": 1698890099,
      "modifiedDateISO": "2023-11-01T20:54:59-05:00",
      "areaKM": 0.1,
      "areaMI": 0,
      "areaAC": 20,
      "polygon": {
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [