Observations Summary

Observations Summary

URL Path
Data Coverage
Update Interval
Every 20 minutes
Time Range
From 2011-08-02

The /observations/summary endpoint provides access to daily summaries based on received observations. This endpoint allows you to query up to one month at a time, including up to 30 days of historical data, using the from and to parameters.


Every request to the endpoint must include one of the supported actions in the url.


Supported Actions

The following actions are supported with the /observations/summary endpoint:

:idType: stringTypically used for passing a geographical location name or identifier such as city name, lat/long, or even US and Canadian postal codes. Learn more.
closestType: stringBased on a location search, the results will be returned in order from closest to farthest. Learn more.
withinType: stringUses a circle or polygon, define an area to search for results. Learn more.


The following is an example of what each object in the response will consist of. Depending on your requested action, the response may contain multiple instances of this object within an array.


id (string)

The observation station ID.

dataSource (string)

The source of the observation data.

loc (object)

The location of the record.

loc.long (number)

The place or nearest place to the record.

loc.lat (number)

The latitude coordinate of the record.

place (object)

Object containing information about the place or nearest place to the record.

place.name (string)

The name of the Observation Station.

place.city (string)

The city that the observation station is location within.

place.state (string)

The state abbreviation in which the response is located. This may be null or an empty string depending on the country.

place.country (string)

The 2 letter ISO-3166 country abbreviation in which the response is located.

profile (object)

Object containing information about the location or event.

profile.tz (string)

Timezone name of the location, such as America/New_York.

profile.tzname (string)

The timezone abbreviation for the location, such as EST.

profile.tzoffset (number)

The timezone offset for the location in seconds.

profile.isDST (boolean)

True if the location is currently observing Daylight Savings Time (DST), otherwise false.

profile.elevM (number)

The elevation of the location in meters.

profile.elevFT (number)

The elevation of the location in feet.

profile.hasPrecip (boolean)

Flag indicating if the location is known to have precipitation data available.

periods (array)

Array of objects containing the actual weather observation summaries.

periods.#.summary (object)

Object containing summary information about the weather observations.

periods.#.summary.timestamp (number)

UNIX timestamp of the summary. Midnight local time.

periods.#.summary.dateTimeISO (string)

The date and time of the summary in ISO-8601 format.

periods.#.summary.ymd (number)

The year, month and date in YYYYMMDD format. Example: Jan 7, 2014: 20140107

periods.#.summary.range (object)

Object containing the range of the summary.

periods.#.summary.range.maxTimestamp (number)

The UNIX timestamp of the last observation time in the summary range.

periods.#.summary.range.maxDateTimeISO (string)

The date and time of the last observation time in the summary range in ISO-8601 format.

periods.#.summary.range.minTimestamp (number)

The UNIX timestamp of the first observation time in the summary range.

periods.#.summary.range.minDateTimeISO (string)

The date and time of the first observation time in the summary range in ISO-8601 format.

periods.#.summary.range.count (number)

The total number of observations in the summary range.

periods.#.summary.temp (object)

Object containing temperature information. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.temp.maxC (number)

The maximum temperature in degrees Celsius. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.temp.maxF (number)

The maximum temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.temp.minC (number)

The minimum temperature in degrees Celsius. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.temp.minF (number)

The minimum temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.temp.avgC (number)

The average temperature in degrees Celsius. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.temp.avgF (number)

The average temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.temp.count (number)

The total number observations with temperature data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.temp.qc (number)

The quality control level of the temperature data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.dewpt (object)

Object containing dew point temperature information. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.dewpt.maxC (number)

The maximum dew point temperature in degrees Celsius. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.dewpt.maxF (number)

The maximum dew point temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.dewpt.minC (number)

The minimum dew point temperature in degrees Celsius. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.dewpt.minF (number)

The minimum dew point temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.dewpt.avgC (number)

The average dew point temperature in degrees Celsius. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.dewpt.avgF (number)

The average dew point temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.dewpt.count (number)

The total number observations with dew point temperature data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.dewpt.qc (number)

The quality control level of the dew point temperature data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.rh (object)

Object containing relative humidity information. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.rh.max (number)

The maximum relative humidity, 0-100. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.rh.min (number)

The minimum relative humidity, 0-100. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.rh.avg (number)

The average relative humidity, 0-100. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.rh.count (number)

The total number observations with relative humidity data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.rh.qc (number)

The quality control level of the relative humidity data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.pressure (object)

The pressure information. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.pressure.maxMB (number)

The maximum MSLP in millibars. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.pressure.maxIN (number)

The maximum MSLP in inches of mercury. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.pressure.minMB (number)

The minimum MSLP in millibars. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.pressure.minIN (number)

The minimum MSLP in inches of mercury. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.pressure.avgMB (number)

The average MSLP in millibars. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.pressure.avgIN (number)

The average MSLP in inches of mercury. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.pressure.count (number)

The total number observations with pressure data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.pressure.qc (number)

The quality control level of the pressure data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.altimeter (object)

The altimeter information. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.altimeter.maxMB (number)

The maximum altimeter in millibars. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.altimeter.maxIN (number)

The maximum altimeter in inches of mercury. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.altimeter.minMB (number)

The minimum altimeter in millibars. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.altimeter.minIN (number)

The minimum altimeter in inches of mercury. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.altimeter.avgMB (number)

The average altimeter in millibars. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.altimeter.avgIN (number)

The average altimeter in inches of mercury. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.altimeter.count (number)

The total number observations with altimeter data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.altimeter.qc (number)

The quality control level of the altimeter data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.spressure (object)

The station pressure information. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.spressure.maxMB (number)

The maximum station pressure in millibars. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.spressure.maxIN (number)

The maximum station pressure in inches of mercury. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.spressure.minMB (number)

The minimum station pressure in millibars. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.spressure.minIN (number)

The minimum station pressure in inches of mercury. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.spressure.avgMB (number)

The average station pressure in millibars. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.spressure.avgIN (number)

The average station pressure in inches of mercury. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.spressure.count (number)

The total number observations with station pressure data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.spressure.qc (number)

The quality control level of the station pressure data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.visibility (object)

The visibility information. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.visibility.maxKM (number)

The maximum visibility in kilometers. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.visibility.maxMI (number)

The maximum visibility in miles. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.visibility.minKM (number)

The minimum visibility in kilometers. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.visibility.minMI (number)

The minimum visibility in miles. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.visibility.count (number)

The total number observations with visibility data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.visibility.avgKM (number)

The average visibility in kilometers. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.visibility.avgMI (number)

The average visibility in miles. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.visibility.qc (number)

The quality control level of the visibility data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind (object)

The wind information. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.maxKTS (number)

The maximum wind speed in knots. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.maxKPH (number)

The maximum wind speed in kilometers per hour. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.maxMPH (number)

The maximum wind speed in miles per hour. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.maxMPS (number)

The maximum wind speed in meters per second. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.gustKTS (number)

The maximum wind gust in knots. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.gustKPH (number)

The maximum wind gust in kilometers per hour. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.gustMPH (number)

The maximum wind gust in miles per hour. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.gustMPS (number)

The maximum wind gust in meters per second. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.count (number)

The total number observations with wind data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.minKTS (number)

The minimum wind speed in knots. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.minKPH (number)

The minimum wind speed in kilometers per hour. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.minMPH (number)

The minimum wind speed in miles per hour. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.minMPS (number)

The minimum wind speed in meters per second. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.avgKTS (number)

The average wind speed in knots. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.avgKPH (number)

The average wind speed in kilometers per hour. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.avgMPH (number)

The average wind speed in miles per hour. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.avgMPS (number)

The average wind speed in meters per second. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.wind.qc (number)

The quality control level of the wind data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.precip (object)

The precipitation information. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.precip.totalMM (number)

The total precipitation in millimeters. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.precip.totalIN (number)

The total precipitation in inches. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.precip.count (number)

The total number observations with precipitation data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.precip.trace (boolean)

True if at least one observation reported a trace of precipitation.

periods.#.summary.precip.traceCount (number)

The total number observations with a trace of precipitation. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.precip.max_24hr ()

The maximum 24 hour precipitation observation in millimeters. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.precip.count_max_24hr (number)

The total number observations with a maximum 24 hour precipitation observation. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.precip.QCcode (number)

The quality control code of the precipitation data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.precip.QC (string)

The quality control level of the precipitation data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.precip.qc (number)

The quality control level of the precipitation data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.precip.method (string)

The method used to measure precipitation. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.weather (object)

The weather information. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.weather.coded (array)

Array of observed weather observations. Null if not available.
Refer to the Weather Codes documentation for more information.

periods.#.summary.weather.count (number)

The total number observations with weather data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.weather.phrase (string)

The most significant observed weather condition. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.weather.primary (string)

The primary observed weather condition. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.weather.primaryCoded (string)

The primary observed weather condition code. Null if not available.
Refer to the Weather Codes documentation for more information.

periods.#.summary.weather.icon (string)

The icon representing the most significant observed weather condition. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.sky (object)

The sky cover information. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.sky.max (number)

The maximum sky cover, 0-100. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.sky.min (number)

The minimum sky cover, 0-100. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.sky.avg (number)

The average sky cover, 0-100. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.sky.count (number)

The total number observations with sky cover data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.sky.coded (array)

The sky cover observations. Null if not available.
Refer to the Sky Cover Codes documentation for more information.

periods.#.summary.solrad (object)

The solar radiation information. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.solrad.maxWM2 ()

The maximum solar radiation in watts per square meter. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.solrad.minWM2 ()

The minimum solar radiation in watts per square meter. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.solrad.avgWM2 ()

The average solar radiation in watts per square meter. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.solrad.totalWM2 ()

The total solar radiation in watts per square meter. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.solrad.method ()

The method used to measure solar radiation. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.solrad.count (number)

The total number observations with solar radiation data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.solrad.qc (string)

The quality control level of the solar radiation data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.QC (object)

The quality control information. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.QC.max (number)

The maximum quality control level, 0-10. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.QC.min (number)

The minimum quality control level, 0-10. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.QC.types (array)

The quality control types. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.QC.count (number)

The total number observations with quality control data. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.trustFactor (object)

The trust factor information. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.trustFactor.min (number)

The minimum trust factor, 0-100. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.trustFactor.max (number)

The maximum trust factor, 0-100. Null if not available.

periods.#.summary.trustFactor.count (number)

The total number observations with trust factor data. Null if not available.

relativeTo (object)

Object containing information about the location used for the request compared to the record"s actual location.

relativeTo.lat (number)

Latitude coordinate of the location used for the request. This may be different than the record"s loc.lat value if there was no record exactly at the request location.

relativeTo.long (number)

Longitude coordinate of the location used for the request. This may be different than the record"s loc.long value if there was no record exactly at the request location.

relativeTo.bearing (number)

Bearing in degrees of the record"s location relative to the location used for the request.

relativeTo.bearingENG (string)

Cardinal direction of the record relative to the location used for the request.

relativeTo.distanceKM (number)

Distance, in kilometers, from the requested location to the record"s actual location.

relativeTo.distanceMI (number)

Distance, in miles, from the requested location to the record"s actual location.

    "id": "KMSP",
    "dataSource": "METAR_NOAA",
    "loc": {
      "long": -93.233333333333,
      "lat": 44.883333333333
    "place": {
      "name": "minneapolis",
      "city": "minneapolis",
      "state": "mn",
      "country": "us"
    "profile": {
      "tz": "America/Chicago",
      "tzname": "CST",
      "tzoffset": -21600,
      "isDST": false,
      "elevM": 265,
      "elevFT": 869,
      "hasPrecip": true
    "periods": [
        "summary": {
          "timestamp": 1702533600,
          "dateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:00:00-06:00",
          "ymd": 20231214,
          "range": {
            "maxTimestamp": 1702590780,
            "maxDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T15:53:00-06:00",
            "minTimestamp": 1702536780,
            "minDateTimeISO": "2023-12-14T00:53:00-06:00",
            "count": 16
          "temp": {
            "maxC": 11,
            "maxF": 52,
            "minC": 0,
            "minF": 32,
            "avgC": 4.1,
            "avgF": 39.3,
            "count": 16,
            "qc": 10
          "dewpt": {
            "maxC": -2,
            "maxF": 28,
            "minC": -9,
            "minF": 15,
            "avgC": -6.4,
            "avgF": 20.5,
            "count": 16,
            "qc": 10
          "rh": {
            "max": 56,
            "min": 39,
            "avg": 47,
            "count": 16,
            "qc": 10
          "pressure": {
            "maxMB": 1035,
            "maxIN": 30.56,
            "minMB": 1030,
            "minIN": 30.42,
            "avgMB": 1033.2,
            "avgIN": 30.51,
            "count": 16,
            "qc": 10
          "altimeter": {
            "maxMB": 1034,
            "maxIN": 30.53,
            "minMB": 1029,
            "minIN": 30.4,
            "avgMB": 1032.4,
            "avgIN": 30.49,
            "count": 16,
            "qc": 10
          "spressure": {
            "maxMB": 1002,
            "maxIN": 29.58,
            "minMB": 998,
            "minIN": 29.46,
            "avgMB": 1000.3,
            "avgIN": 29.54,
            "count": 16,
            "qc": 10
          "visibility": {
            "maxKM": 16,
            "maxMI": 10,
            "minKM": 16,
            "minMI": 10,
            "count": 16,
            "avgKM": 16.1,
            "avgMI": 10,
            "qc": 10
          "wind": {
            "maxKTS": 10,
            "maxKPH": 19,
            "maxMPH": 12,
            "maxMPS": 5.14,
            "gustKTS": 18,
            "gustKPH": 33,
            "gustMPH": 21,
            "gustMPS": 9.26,
            "count": 16,
            "minKTS": 3,
            "minKPH": 6,
            "minMPH": 3,
            "minMPS": 1.54,
            "avgKTS": 7.5,
            "avgKPH": 13.9,
            "avgMPH": 8.6,
            "avgMPS": 3.9,
            "qc": 10
          "precip": {
            "totalMM": 0,
            "totalIN": 0,
            "count": 0,
            "trace": false,
            "traceCount": 0,
            "max_24hr": null,
            "count_max_24hr": 0,
            "QCcode": 10,
            "QC": "O",
            "qc": 10,
            "method": "sum"
          "weather": {
            "coded": null,
            "count": 0,
            "phrase": "Mostly Sunny",
            "primary": "Mostly Sunny",
            "primaryCoded": "::FW",
            "icon": "fair.png"
          "sky": {
            "max": 19,
            "min": 0,
            "avg": 8,
            "count": 16,
            "coded": [
          "solrad": {
            "maxWM2": null,
            "minWM2": null,
            "avgWM2": null,
            "totalWM2": null,
            "method": null,
            "count": 0,
            "qc": null
          "QC": {
            "max": 10,
            "min": 10,
            "types": [
            "count": 16
          "trustFactor": {
            "min": 100,
            "max": 100,
            "count": 16
    "relativeTo": {
      "lat": 44.97997,
      "long": -93.26384,
      "bearing": 167,
      "bearingENG": "SSE",
      "distanceKM": 11.011,
      "distanceMI": 6.842