Weather Integrations


Weather integrations for insurance applications.

Underwriting and Risk Modeling

Despite the impacts of climate change lending to increased severe weather events globally, there are still standard regions for certain weather phenomena. Assess the risk and cost associated with insuring a person or business based on historical weather events in their area – from earthquakes to tornadoes and tropical cyclones.



House with storm damage

Claims Processing

Take the guesswork out of loss claims validation. Our weather API provides access to global historical weather conditions dating back as far as 2011. This means you can quickly get the information you need for targeted locations and get policy holders taken care of as quickly as possible.



Aerial photo of a neighborhood underwater from flooding


Catastrophic weather events are an unfortunate and growing part of life. For reinsurance providers looking to provide the most accurate pricing, bringing historical and forecasted weather data into the fold can be crucial. Model, predict, prepare for, and monitor critical catastrophic weather concerns like hurricanes and wildfires to better manage claims and expectations during peak seasons and critical events.



Aerial photo of a neighborhood underwater from flooding

Looking for More Information?

Reach out with any questions, to discuss next steps, or to gather additional information on use cases like risk modeling, claims validation, and insurtech applications.